Convert a CSV, EXCEL, WORD, OPEN OFFICE, FIREFOX table into BBCODE for PHPBB forums
Publish tables into your PHPBB posts
Attention : to use the generated BBCODE you have to configure PHPBB as shown at the bottom of this page.

Paste an Excel, Open-office, Word, CSV, Firefox spreadsheet into this area and click the "Convert into BBCODE" button

Pay attention to input only brute data : no HTML code nor BBCODE

You will get your table in BBCODE. You just have to paste the generated BBCODE into your PHPBB's post

Title of the table :        1st line = normal text (if unchecked, it will be BOLD)        1st column = normal text (if unchecked, it will be BOLD)               Français
IMPORTANT : To use the generated BBCODE you have to configure PHPBB : go to the admin control pannel --> posting --> BBCodes and simply add 4 new BBCode tags :
For versions of PBPBB prior to 3.1
BBCODE usage
HTML replacement
[table{TEXT1}]{TEXT2}[/table] <table border="1" class="{TEXT1}" cellspacing="1" width="100%">{TEXT2}</table>
[td {NUMBER}]{TEXT2}[/td] <td colspan="{NUMBER}">{TEXT2}</td>
[th {NUMBER}]{TEXT}[/th] <th colspan="{NUMBER}">{TEXT}</th>
[tr{TEXT1}]{TEXT2}[/tr] <tr class="{TEXT1}" align="center" valign="middle">{TEXT2}</tr>
For versions of PBPBB from 3.1
BBCODE usage
HTML replacement
[table]{TEXT}[/table] <table style="width:100%;display:inline-table;border:#333333 solid 1px;background:#f2f2f2">{TEXT}</table>
[td]{TEXT}[/td] <td valign=top style="border-top:1px solid #808080; border-right:1px solid #808080; border-left:1px solid #808080; padding:1px; margin:1px; border-radius:5px">{TEXT}</td>
[th]{TEXT}[/th] <td valign=top style="border-top:1px solid #808080; font-weight:bold; border-right:1px solid #808080; border-left:1px solid #808080; padding:1px; margin:1px; border-radius:5px">{TEXT}</td>
[tr]{TEXT}[/tr] <tr>{TEXT}</tr>